
The Handyman and The Gentleman – AR #6 – Capture, Edit & Author

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Pontus Blomberg

In my previous blogs, I have shown and discussed how the PTC Vuforia family of solutions is becoming the fastest and easiest way to create powerful step-by-step augmented reality (AR) instructions.

It’s simplistic ability to convey knowledge transfer easily and practically enables it to empower entire workforces with new skills, and uplift existing skills, whilst still based remotely – Saving time, money and minimising logistics.

In this blog to accompany my ongoing video series – – I am going to delve deeper into why in my opinion PTC Vuforia Expert Capture and SOP’s can empower further, frontline workers to get their tasks done quickly and accurately, the first time around and each time!

The continuing growth in the worker skills gap, in most organizations has an impact across a wide range of industry sectors.

Most organizations are structured in a way that equates to a fewer number of highly skilled and experienced workers, than those who are not, who often form the majority.

Even those organizations who train staff to multi-task, still need those who can absorb these skills, and pass on these abilities forward to others, equally or collectively.

Vuforia Expert Capture – Part Of The “Data Exchange Family”

At ýapp for example, the introduction of Data Laws required some of the team to become experts in the subject. They then went forward to train others on how to implement this major change on how we handle personal data, across a range of divisions.

A real tangible example of how a hand full of really on-the-edge experts needing to have how their “tacit” knowledge to be documented and scaled to the whole organization – in house.

It also instigated real conversations amongst many departments on how AR, amongst other solutions we provide to our customers is also part of the “Data Exchange Family” with similar challenges and concerns felt by our own customers.

Our own need to convey skills and knowledge helps us relate to the challenges faced by our own customers operating in the Oil and Gas industry for example, who face this challenge continuously when implementing the constant changes in Health and Safety across multiple sites.

Another example related to industrial service or maintenance is when new and not experienced employees seek to ask the experienced workers, with the longest beards – work related questions – but problems and costs start to pile up and customer satisfaction is being jeopardized when the long-bearded expert replies,

I’ve never seen this product/model before.

Today, we see across the globe an extremely high phase of skills development and increased product and process complexities, running parallel to the continuous evolution of customer demands for easy-to-use and easy-to-understand relevant visual information.

Nowadays, the phase of development is so high that it is impossible to stay on the skills track, without the right systems and tools. AR is already a practical tool that as part of Health and Safety implementations – Keeping employees compliant and safe – it helps to document and protect enterprise best practices, tacit knowledge and related IP. It can be implemented across divisions to empower all at once on a broad range of subjects and user cases.

The balancing of priorities

This creates a balancing act between security, functionality, simplicity and user experience – that weighted too far in the wrong direction, can cause an organization to get lost during the its Cross-Functional Digital Transformation journey very quickly.

Now, I can re-introduce VEC to the narrative, as it provides the counter weight needed to keep these needs equal and functional at all times.

It is truly quick to get started, no installation, no configuration, no version control, it is a true SaaS solution – you are always working with the latest updated version.

VEC’s end-to-end solution for capture, edit, view allows instant publishing for use on smart phones, tablets, headsets, PC’s makes it a solution minus the huge investment in technology normally associated with “New Tech” under the surface.

The bottom line savings are applicable to all business – reduce waste and scrap, reduce downtime and increase first time fix rates (FTFR) as well as mean time to repair (MTTR) – are there to be seen in reality, with a visible and positive impact on some organizations ability to meet or surpass customer satisfaction, whilst also maintaining compliance to service levels and/or supply agreements.

Augmented Reality provides functionality

In just 2 working day’s I have seen an organization implement, roll out and use VEC functionally, and on the job – A process that traditionally needed to be organized, was time consuming and increased costs, now all reduced via one solution.

So to conclude – AR is, as I have said before, is having real beneficial impacts on a range of business functions, sectors and organizations, from an ever increasing variety of backgrounds and dispersed customer needs.

Vuforia Expert Capture is one of the reasons AR is being implemented by an increasing number of these organizations – It is practical, adoptable and provides a firm foundation to begin the AR journey, without huge financial investments and time invested before a positive impact on the business can be seen.


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