
Short facts about KeyShot version 11.1

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We are excited to announce that the latest version of KeyShot, 11.1, is now available for download! This version includes several new features and improvements that will make creating amazing visuals faster and easier than ever before. Let’s take a look at what KeyShot 11.1 has in store for professional visualizers.

New Features

The first new feature in KeyShot 11.1 is the ability to create multiple views of a single scene from different angles and perspectives at the same time. This means that professionals can quickly produce images from multiple angles without having to re-render the scene each time they want to view it from a different perspective. This will save time and resources while ensuring consistent results across all images in a project.

Another major new feature in this update is the introduction of “Masks†which allow users to isolate specific objects or regions of an image so they can be edited separately from other elements within the scene. Masks also enable users to add unique effects, textures, and lighting to certain areas without affecting other elements within the same image. These masks can be applied directly within the user interface or by using keyframes for animation purposes.

Finally, KeyShot 11.1 also offers a number of other improvements that make creating visuals easier and faster than ever before such as enhanced GPU support, improved ray tracing capabilities, expanded material library options, and more efficient workflow tools such as batch rendering jobs and Adobe Photoshop integration support. All of these updates ensure that users get professional results with minimal effort every time they use KeyShot on their projects.


KeyShot 11.1 offers professionals a comprehensive suite of tools for creating stunning visuals with unprecedented speed and accuracy. From its numerous new features to its improved performance capabilities, this update promises improved workflow efficiency while providing top-notch results every time you use it on your projects. Download KeyShot 11.1 today to see how it can help you create amazing visuals faster than ever before!

What is your opinion? Try KeyShot for yourself!

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