
Optimize your Ansys licensing with Ansys Elastic Currency

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Tuomas Eerola

Top tips to optimize your Ansys Licensing!

Are you new to Ansys simulation and not sure which license model is optimal for you, or are you a current user and would like to find ways to optimize your Ansys Elastic Currency usage? Here, our Business Unit Director, Tuomas Eerola, gives a step-by-step guide to optimizing your Ansys usage with Ansys Elastic Currency (AEC).

gives you flexible access to a broad range of Ansys products from to and – not forgetting .

The “superpower” of Ansys Elastic Licensing is that it comes with excellent reporting that you can use for a 360-degree view of your Ansys usage.

Go to your Ansys Licensing Portal and navigate to Elastic Licensing. Select Summary Statements. You can adjust the period that is of interest to you.

This gives you valuable data about your Ansys usage in the period.

If you are a new user and are not sure which license model is optimal for you, or if you are a current user and would like to find ways to optimize your Ansys Elastic Currency usage, this data will help you find answers to the questions:

  • What Ansys products are you using the most?
  • What is your usage frequency of each of the products, would moving some of the products to a lease license benefit your usage?


And what’s more: If you are like me, you might like to do forecasts. This dashboard allows you also to export the data to your favorite forecasting tool. This will enable you to see the Ansys usage patterns in your business, and you can estimate and predict which licenses you would like to include in your budget and acquire for the next period!

Interested? Get in touch with me and our ANSYS team here./talk-to-an-expert/

Tuomas Eerola, Business Unit Director of CAE

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