
A year with ýapp

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A year with ýapp

2024 is just around the corner. Ahead of us are days of recovery and joy following an intense working year. Looking back, 2023 was an exciting year within the ýapp realm.


PDSFORUM in April and May in Sweden, Germany, and Finland was the year’s highlight, with valued speakers and many highly attended workshops. The engagement among our attendees during these days drives us forward; it is a massive force in motion that triggers us all. In 2024, we will follow up on this success with an expanded program: 21 global speakers and 15 unique workshops. We can’t wait!

Customer Journeys

Talking about customers: We proudly and regularly write about our collaborations on our website to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices. This year, we especially want to mention three of our partnerships:

  • Haldex.
  • Martela.
  • MSK Group.

Swedish Haldex is a leading manufacturer of reliable and innovative brake systems and air suspension solutions for heavy vehicles. Together, we have implemented Windchill, providing Haldex with a transparent end-to-end PLM system. Reading the words of Charlotte Wall, VP of Product Line Management, made my year already in spring:

“I get so satisfied every time I use Windchill. It is a gigantic difference!”

Another interesting and important area within digitalization is simulation. When the Finnish designer and furniture manufacturer developed their latest product family, the Ella chair, they used simulation with PTC Creo. “It was really an eye-opener. You can do all tests needed in 3D, if you have the skills,” Martela’s R&D manager, Juho Laine, stated. More and more manufacturers realize the benefits of shorter time to market and less waste, thanks to simulation. It will be enthralling to follow the development within simulation in 2024.

MSK Cabins is the leading European manufacturer of complete, tailor-made cabins for different agricultural, construction, and mining equipment. After partnering up with ýapp, they implemented Windchill in three phases. Around the corner, the digital thread looms, with an extended PLM in terms of Smart Manufacturing that involves even more digitalization.

Smart Manufacturing

Looking into the future, Smart Manufacturing, or Smart Connected Operations and Connected Products, are essential and obvious trends. Spinning the digital thread through the workshop and, further on, embracing those servicing and using the products, will revolutionize the manufacturing industry. Will we see a big leap in 2024? Don’t miss out on our blog post on the topic.

Another major factor that will affect the manufacturing industry is the aging workforce. In the coming five years, a vast number of industrial workers in the manufacturing industry will retire. Leading manufacturers now realize that augmented reality, AR, offers a solution to not only retirement and recruiting challenges but also brings business value. We predict we have only just seen the beginning of AR applications.

Industry Automotive Plant - ýapp

Latest Technology Updates

In 2023, we also entered a new technology area, Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), with the PTC platform Codebeamer. It enables companies to manage the entire software development lifecycle efficiently, from requirements management and quality assurance to release management.

Codebeamer, Risk Management, Requirements management, Quality assurance

In May, PTC also released its latest version of its ýapp tool: Creo 10. It is a significant update, and to embrace all improvements here would require too much of your time. There are new updates to areas such as multi-body design, surfacing, model tree management, design for composites, electrification, ergonomics, simulation, and so much more. Check out all improvements and updates in Creo 10 here!

Key Manufacturing Trends of 2023

Beyond us and our passion for digital transformation and our customers, good things have beenhappening, even in these troubled times. Here’s a pick:

– Supply chain recovery: After two years of disruption caused by the pandemic, global supply chain problems eased in 2023 as production capacity, inventory levels, transportation capacity, and demand growth improved. Manufacturers also adopted more resilient and agile supply chain strategies, such as diversifying suppliers, increasing visibility, and leveraging digital technologies.

– Technology adoption: The manufacturing sector accelerated its digital transformation in 2023, as manufacturers sought to improve efficiency, productivity, quality, and innovation. .

– Innovation and invention: The manufacturing industry also witnessed some remarkable innovations and inventions in 2023, such as the CAN Go smart cane, which helps visually impaired people easily navigate their surroundings. .

– Employee well-being: The manufacturing industry also focused on enhancing the well-being of its employees in 2023, as the Great Resignation challenged manufacturers to attract and retain talent.

So many good forces come from the product development and manufacturing industry, and we are all a part of the positive changes.


And lastly, one exciting thing we must mention happened this year: ýapp Group got a new CEO in Mats Oretorp this summer. With his background in various international senior leadership roles within the Dell Group, Mats Oretorp strengthens our experience from a strategic and management perspective.

Looking back, 2023 has been an exciting year. Looking ahead, we welcome all progress, collaborations, and other sources of joy in 2024. We hope you will keep following us on our digitalization mission!


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