

Accurate and robust soil and soil-structure interaction simulation capabilties

Complete 3D Geotechnical FEA

PLAXIS 3D is a complete solution for 3D deformation and stability analysis of non-linear soil/rock behaviour and complex structures, It supports 3D geometry import and creation while including tools for rapid soil layer definition and tunnel design.

Whether you are working on projects that are simple or complex, or you are working on excavations, embankments, and foundations or tunneling, mining, and reservoir geomechanics, PLAXIS 3D enables you to analyse deformation and stability in geotechnical engineering and rock mechanics with ease.

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  • Proven 3D Geotechnical Analysis
    Trust the 3D geotechnical analysis that has proven to be robust and reliable in settlement, stress, and safety analysis for more than 25 years.
  • Comprehensive Soil Material Library
    Use a comprehensive soil material library to accurately model the behavior of more than 40 materials, ranging from soft soil to hard rock.
  • Complex Dynamic Analysis
    Conduct dynamic analysis to analyze the effects of man-made or natural seismic vibration in soil or structures.
  • Fully-coupled Flow-deformation Analysis
    Assess the impact of precipitation or seasonal variations of water level on factor of safety (FOS) through fully coupled flow-deformation analysis.
  • Build More Efficiency
    Gain a competitive edge and rely on automated model build up, results extraction and reporting with command line and Python scripting.

PLAXIS 3D provides accurate and robust soil and soil-structure interaction simulation capabilities through an efficient workflow, ideal as an integral design tool. Optional dynamic and transient ground water flow capabilities are available

PLAXIS 3D – Products



PLAXIS 3D offers all the essential functionality to perform everyday deformation and safety analysis for soil and rock, which do not require the consideration of creep, steady state groundwater, consolidation analysis, or any time-dependent effects.

PLAXIS-3D - Geometric design


PLAXIS 3D Advanced enhances your geotechnical design capabilities with more advanced features and material models to consider creep or flow-deformation coupling through consolidation analysis. It also solves your problems faster than PLAXIS 3D with the multicore solver.

With plastic, consolidation and safety analysis calculation types, a broad range of geotechnical problems can be analyzed.

PLAXIS-3D - Geometric design

PLAXIS 3D Ultimate

Plaxis 3D Ultimate extends the capabilities of PLAXIS 3D Advanced with additional Dynamics and PlaxFlow capabilities for analyzing the effects of vibrations in the soil, such as earthquake and traffic loads, and simulating complex hydrological, time-dependent variations of water levels, or flow functions on model or soil boundaries.

PLAXIS-3D - Geometric design

PLAXIS 3D WorkSuite

As a complete 3D geotechnical analysis software package, PLAXIS 3D WorkSuite integrates the powerful and user-friendly finite element and limit equilibrium analysis capabilities of PLAXIS 3D applications for the design and analysis of soil, rock, and associated structures.

PLAXIS 3D WorkSuite comprises PLAXIS 3D UltimatePLAXIS 3D LE (includes 2D LE) and PLAXIS Designer.

PLAXIS-3D - Geometric design

Products for Geotechnical Engineering


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PLAXIS Designer

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PLAXIS Monopile Designer

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Technologies for simulation

Additive Manufacturing

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Building Physics

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Fluid Dynamics

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Geotechnical Engineering

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Metal Forming & Microstructure

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Plastic Injection Molding Simulation

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Structural Analysis (FEA)

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Thermal Management

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