
Ansys medini analyze for Semiconductors

Functional Safety Analysis for Semiconductors

Semiconductor analysis integrated with overall systems analysis

Ansys medini analyze supports best-practice workflows that graphically link specific areas of the semiconductor design to key functions within the electronics architecture. This allows engineers to analyze and address potential failure modes as they verify the functional safety of semiconductor components. Engineers can efficiently and consistently execute the safety-related activities such as the FMEDA, required by safety standards like ISO 26262: 2018 part 11.

Streamline and automate functional safety analysis across the entire electronics architecture — including down to the chip level. Any inconsistencies in the functional safety analysis are eliminated, and confirmation reviews and assessments are accelerated.

Key elements

  • Failure Rate Prediction
  • Map Chip Design to Functions
  • Failure Mode Effect and Diagnostic Analysis
  • Digital and Analog Chip Analysis
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Quick Specification

  • Failure Rate Distribution by Die Area
  • Requirement Traceability
  • IP Design Import
  • Determine and Analyze Potential Failure Modes
  • Safety Mechanism Design
  • Map Blocks of the Semiconductor Design to System Functions
  • Transient Failure Analysis
  • Diagnostic Coverage Analysis

Customer stories


°®¶¹´«Ã½app advised Aldercote on how to improve the efficiency of their FuSa analysis…
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atg UV Technology

Case Study: Hazard Identification using SWIFT Training at BAE Systems
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Baker Perkins

IntroductionBaker Perkins Ltd, as part of its continuous development programme,…
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Read the Balltec Customer Story on Enhanced Development of Chain Management…
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Barberry Developments Ltd

Wind Microclimate Study to Promote Pedestrian Comfort & Safety within Planning…
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BCS Design Ltd

Analysis of Cantilever MastsThe West Coast Main Line, the UK’s most important…
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View all customer stories – Ansys

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