
Ansys Granta MI Enterprise

Enterprise-wide materials data management software

A Complete Materials Data Management Solution

Granta MI Enterprise, the leading system for materials data management, brings a complete material intelligence management solution, allowing you to empower your enterprise, protect your materials and enable digital transformation. Create, control and store valuable materials with our flagship materials properties software. Save time, drive innovation, cut costs and eliminate risk.

Workflow tools ensure the smooth capture, processing and approval of data, information and expertise, and enable users to fully integrate their materials expertise into their business practice. Bring Material Intelligence enterprise-wide with full integration across ýapp, CAE and PLM systems.

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Ansys Granta MI Enterprise


250,000+ materials
Minimize Risk
Additive Manufacturing

Comprehensive materials data – access 250,000+ materials

An extensive array of interlinked materials data includes a comprehensive and comparable MaterialUniverse™ dataset with technical, economic and environmental information for thousands of engineering materials. Additional detailed information is available on metals, polymers, composites, coatings, electromagnetic materials, medical materials, aerospace materials – including design data, manufacturer’s datasheets, standards-based information and test data.

Integrate seamlessly with ýapp, CAE and PLM systems

Granta MI Enterprise is fully embedded with leading systems – ýapp, CAE and PLM – to ensure accurate application of materials data and properties.

Boosting simulation accuracy

Improve simulation accuracy with access to an unrivalled catalog of materials property data.

Ansys Granta MI™ for Simulation Brochure

Test data management

Utilize efficient, traceable materials testing and analysis process – from test lab to design data – to maximize your return on investment.

Ansys Granta for Test Data Management Datasheet

Minimize restricted substances risk

Granta MI Enterprises combines best practices to help minimize restricted substances risk through practical analytics, reporting and decision-making tools – offering an unrivalled, regularly updated library of reference data to keep your teams up to date with evolving regulations.

Ansys Granta MI™ for Restricted Substances Brochure

Repeatable additive manufacturing

Optimize your additive manufacturing data and project knowledge. Utilize insights to get your additive solutions to market faster, and improve your understanding of critical process and property relationships. Integrating easy-to-use Machine Learning applications into Granta MI to reduce trial and error in additive manufacturing.

Ansys Granta MI for Additive Manufacturing Brochure

Rolls-Royce Implements “Gold Source” of Material Intelligence

Rolls-Royce is a global engineering leader, providing highly efficient integrated power and propulsion solutions for a broad range of industry sectors and customers around the world including aerospace and other power systems. They have partnered with the UK-based ANSYS Granta team to implement the Granta MI™ software, providing the system to thousands of engineers around the world to create a gold source for Rolls-Royce material intelligence – in turn experiencing real benefits, equated to several millions of dollars a year in time saved, optimization and reduced waste.

Customer stories


ýapp advised Aldercote on how to improve the efficiency of their FuSa analysis…
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atg UV Technology

Case Study: Hazard Identification using SWIFT Training at BAE Systems
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Baker Perkins

IntroductionBaker Perkins Ltd, as part of its continuous development programme,…
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Read the Balltec Customer Story on Enhanced Development of Chain Management…
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Barberry Developments Ltd

Wind Microclimate Study to Promote Pedestrian Comfort & Safety within Planning…
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BCS Design Ltd

Analysis of Cantilever MastsThe West Coast Main Line, the UK’s most important…
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View all customer stories – Ansys

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