

Multiphysics Explicit Simulation

Comprehensive and Diverse Analysis Capabilities

Ansys LS-DYNA has a vast array of capabilities to simulate extreme deformation problems. You can tackle simulations involving material failure and look at how this failure progresses through a part or through a system.

Models with large amounts of parts or surfaces interacting with each other are also easily handled, and the interactions and load passing between complex behaviors are simulated accurately.

Using computers with higher numbers of CPU cores can drastically reduce solution times further, exploiting LS-DYNA’s efficient parallelization technology. Ansys LS-DYNA allows users to run large jobs and overcome hardware capacity limitations with high-performance computing power and Ansys Cloud support.


  • Full 2D & 3D capabilities
  • Nonlinear dynamics
  • Rigid body dynamics
  • Crack propagation
  • Real-time acoustics
  • Implicit springback
  • Multi-physics and structural-thermal coupling
  • Many others
  • Impact Analysis
  • Forming Solutions
  • Euler, Lagrange, and ALE Formulations
  • Non-linear Implicit Structural Analysis
  • Crash Simulation and Analysis
  • Electromagnetics
  • Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics
  • Non-linear Explicit Structural Analysis
  • Failure Analysis
  • Fluid-structure interaction
  • Incompressible Fluid Dynamics
  • Total Human Model for Safety (THUMS™)

Integrate Ansys LS-DYNA with Ansys Mechanical

Technologies including Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) and implicit–explicit solutions from LS-DYNA that enable workflows like pre-stress loading and restarts for drop test simulations can now be accessed from Ansys Mechanical as well.

Ansys Mechanical: FEA for Structures

Typical Applications

Nonlinear Structural Analysis
Sheet Metal Forming Analysis & Manufacturing Process Simulation
Soil Structure Interaction

Nonlinear Structural Analysis

Ansys LS-DYNA can perform simulations of mechanisms involving joints and articulations subjected to impacts (whether from drops or collisions). It can utilize joints and kinematic links, and offers a wide choice of contact formulations to easily and automatically take into account interactions between all components in the model. When this is combined with LS-DYNA’s fast and efficient explicit solver scheme, it gives you unrivalled simulation capabilities to study situations that could not be solved using implicit FEA methods.

Ansys LS-DYNA Nonlinear Structural Analysis

Sheet Metal Forming Analysis & Manufacturing Process Simulation

One of Ansys LS-DYNA’s most widely used applications is sheet metal forming. LS-DYNA accurately predicts the stresses and deformations experienced by the metal to determine if it will fail. It also supports adaptive remeshing, refining the mesh during sheet metal forming analysis, as necessary, to increase accuracy and save time.

Metal forming applications include:

  • Metal stamping
  • Hydroforming
  • Forging
  • Deep drawing
  • Multi-stage processes

Ansys LS-DYNA’s electromagnetism (EM) capabilities for modelling eddy currents can be used to simulate magnetic metal forming, welding and induced heating processes.

Ansys LS-DYNA Sheet Metal Forming Analysis & Manufacturing Process Simulation


Ansys LS-DYNA is the primary crash simulation and analysis tool for over 80% of the world’s major automotive OEMs, and the code is used by an estimated 90% of tier 1 suppliers.

Ansys LS-DYNA is used to predict a car’s behavior in a collision and the effects of a collision upon the car’s occupants. Such analyses encompass a wide variety of complex physical phenomena, and LS-DYNA is equipped with a vast array of features and capabilities to replicate these events.

Ansys LS-DYNA Automotive Ansys Nonlinear Dynamics Physical Test


Ansys LS-DYNA is widely used by the aerospace industry to simulate bird strikes, jet engine blade containment and structural failure analysis. Aerospace simulation applications include:

  • Blade containment
  • Bird strike (windshield and engine blade)
  • Failure analysis

Soil Structure Interaction

Ansys LS-DYNA’s novel method for soil–structure interaction analysis applies earthquake forces in an efficient, rational manner and models the unbounded domain accurately at low computational cost, given a free-field ground motion characterizing an earthquake.

Multiple Solvers

Implicit and Explicit Solvers
Frequency Domain Analysis
ICFD for Incompressible Fluid
Electromagnetics Solver
Multiphysics Solver
Particle Methods

Implicit and Explicit Solvers

Easily switch between Implicit and Explicit solvers for your different runs.

Ansys LS-DYNA Implicit and Explicit Solvers

Frequency Domain Analysis

Frequency domain analysis allows LS-Dyna users to explore capabilities such as frequency response function, steady state dynamics, random vibration, response spectrum analysis, acoustics BEM and FEM, and fatigue SSD and random vibration. You can use these capabilities for applications such as NVH, acoustic analysis, defense industry, fatigue analysis and earthquake engineering.

Ansys LS-DYNA Frequency Domain Analysis

ICFD for Incompressible Fluid

ICFD solver is a stand-alone CFD code that includes a steady-state solver, transient solver, turbulence model for RANS/LES, free surface flows and isotropic/anisotropic porous media flow. Coupled to structural, EM solver and thermal solver.

Ansys LS-DYNA ICFD for Incompressible Fluid

Electromagnetics Solver

EM solves the Maxwell equations using FEM & BEM in the Eddy current approximation. This is suitable for cases where the propagation of electromagnetic waves in air (or vacuum) can be considered as instantaneous. The main applications are magnetic metal forming or welding, induced heating, and battery abuse simulation.

Ansys LS-DYNA Electromagnetics Solver

Multiphysics Solver

Multiphysics Solver include ICFD for Incompressible Fluids, electromagnetic solver, EM for battery abuse, and CESE for compressible fluids.

Ansys LS-DYNA Multiphysics Solver

Particle Methods

There are several particle methods using LS-Dyna. AIRBAG_PARTICLE is used for for airbag gas particles which models the gas as a set of rigid particles in random motion. PARTICLE_BLAST for high explosive particles which models high explosive gas and air modeled Particle gas. Discrete element method includes applications such as agriculture and food handling, chemical and civil Engineering, mining, mineral processing.

Ansys LS-DYNA Particle Methods
Contact – Linear and Nonlinear
Adaptive Remeshing
Meshless SPH
Meshless ALE
Advanced CFD
Supporting Tools
LST Models

Contact – Linear and Nonlinear

In LS-DYNA, a contact is defined by identifying (via parts, part sets, segment sets, and/or node sets) what locations are to be checked for potential penetration of a slave node through a master segment. A search for penetrations, using any of a number of different algorithms, is made every time. In the case of a penalty-based contact, when a penetration is found, a force proportional to the penetration depth is applied to resist, and ultimately eliminate the penetration. Rigid bodies may be included in any penalty-based contact but for that contact force to be realistically distributed, it is recommended that the mesh defining any rigid body be as fine as that of a deformable body.

Ansys LS-DYNA Contact – Linear and Nonlinear

Adaptive Remeshing

Several tools are provided for local refinement of the volume mesh in order to better capture mesh sensitive phenomenon’s such as turbulent eddies or boundary layer separation reattachment. During the geometry set up, the user can define surfaces that will be used by the mesher to specify a local mesh size inside the volume. If no internal mesh is used to specify the size, the mesher will use a linear interpolation of the surface sizes that define the volume enclosure.

Ansys LS-DYNA Adaptive Remeshing

Meshless SPH

SPH method in Ansys LS-DYNA® is coupled with the finite and discrete element methods, extending its range of applications to a variety of complex problems involving multiphysics interactions of explosion or fluid-structure interaction.

Ansys LS-DYNA Meshless SPH

Meshless ALE

Ansys LS-DYNA has two different classes of mesh-free particle solvers: continuum-based smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH), and discrete particle solvers using the discrete element method (DEM), the particle blast method (PBM) and the corpuscular particle method (CPM). These solvers are used in various applications like hypervelocity impacts; explosions; friction stir welding; water wading; fracture analysis in car windshields, window glass and composite materials; metal friction drilling; metal machining; and high-velocity impact on concrete and metal targets.

Ansys LS-DYNA Meshless ALE

Advanced CFD

Peridynamics & SPG

The smoothed particle Galerkin (SPG) method is a new Lagrangian particle method for simulating the severe plastic deformation and material rupture taken place in ductile material failure. The Peridynamics method is another compelling method for brittle fracture analysis in isotropic materials as well as certain composites such as CFRP. These two numerical methods share a common feature in modeling the 3D material failure using a bond-based failure mechanism. Since the material erosion technique is no more necessary, the simulation of the material failure processes becomes very effective and stable.

Isogeometric Analysis (IGA)

The isogeometric paradigm employs basis functions from computer-aided design (ýapp) for numerical analysis. The actual geometry of the ýapp parts is preserved which is in sharp contrast to finite element analysis (FEA) where the geometry is approximated with, potentially higher-order, polynomials. Isogeometric analysis (IGA) has been extensively studied in the past few years in order to (1) reduce the effort of moving between design and analysis representations and (2) obtain higher-order accuracy through the higher-order interelement continuity of the spline basis functions used in ýapp. LS-DYNA is the first commercial code to support IGA through the implementation of generalized elements and then keywords supporting non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS). Many of the standard FEA capabilities, such as contact, spot-weld models, anisotropic constitutive laws, or frequency domain analysis, are readily available in LS-DYNA with new features added steadily.

Ansys LS-DYNA Advanced CFD

Supporting Tools


Ansys LS-OPT is a standalone design optimization and probabilistic analysis package with an interface to Ansys LS-DYNA. It is difficult to achieve an optimal design because design objectives are often in conflict. LS-OPT uses a systematic approach involving an inverse process for design optimization: First you specify the criteria and then you compute the best design according to a mathematical framework.

Probabilistic analysis is necessary when a design is subjected to structural and environmental input variations that cause a variation in response that may lead to undesirable behavior or failure. A probabilistic analysis, using multiple simulations, assesses the effect of the input variation on the response variation and determines the probability of failure.

Together, design optimization and probabilistic analysis help you to reach an optimal product design quickly and easily, saving time and money in the process.

Typical applications of LS-OPT include:

  • Design optimization
  • System identification
  • Probabilistic analysis


LS-TaSC™ is a Topology and Shape Computation tool. Developed for engineering analysts who need to optimize structures, LS-TaSC works with both the implicit and explicit solvers of LS-DYNA. LS-TaSC handles topology optimization of large nonlinear problems, involving dynamic loads and contact conditions.

Ansys LS-DYNA Supporting Tools

LST Models


An­thro­po­mor­phic Test De­vices (ATDs), as known as “crash test dum­mies”, are life-size man­nequins equipped with sen­sors that mea­sure forces, mo­ments, dis­place­ments, and ac­cel­er­a­tions. These mea­sure­ments can then be in­ter­pret­ed to pre­dict the ex­tent of in­juries that a hu­man would ex­pe­ri­ence dur­ing an im­pact. Ide­al­ly, ATDs should be­have like re­al hu­man be­ings while be­ing durable enough to pro­duce con­sis­tent re­sults across mul­ti­ple im­pacts. There are a wide va­ri­ety of ATDs avail­able to rep­re­sent dif­fer­ent hu­man sizes and shapes.


LSTC of­fers sev­er­al Off­set De­formable Bar­ri­er (ODB) and Mov­able De­formable Bar­ri­er (MDB) mod­els. LSTC ODB and MDB mod­els are de­vel­oped to cor­re­late to sev­er­al tests pro­vid­ed by our cus­tomers. These tests are pro­pri­etary da­ta and are not cur­rent­ly avail­able to the pub­lic.


LST joint­ly de­vel­oped tire mod­els with FCA. The mod­els are based on a se­ries of ma­te­r­i­al, ver­i­fi­ca­tion, and com­po­nent lev­el tests. The fi­nite el­e­ment mesh is based on 2D ýapp da­ta of the tire sec­tion. All ma­jor com­po­nents of the tire use 8-nod­ed hexa­he­dron el­e­ments.

Ansys LS-DYNA LST Models

Simulate the Response of Materials to Short Periods of Severe Loading

  • Explosion / Penetration
  • Crashworthiness / Airbag Simulations
  • Product Failure / Fragmentation
  • Fracture
  • Drop Test of All Forms
  • Sports Equipment Design
  • Stamping / Forming / Drawing / Forging
  • Bird Strike
  • Product Misuse / Severe Loadings
  • Large Plasticity in Mechanisms
  • Splashing / Hydroplaning / Sloshing
  • Biomedical and Medical Devices Simulations
  • Vehicle Crash and Occupant Safety
  • Other Manufacturing Processes including Machining / Cutting / Drawing

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