
myPDS Search

Unlock PLM to the extended enterprise

Search – Improve PLM ease of use

myPDS Search is a simplified UI acting on top of Windchill. The interface, search logic, and data that is presented is highly customizable. The product is quickly deployed and requires no additional training for its users.

Several views can be set up to match the needs of each department, role, or even specific users. myPDS Search aims to bring you the data you need without any time-consuming manual processes and always in as few clicks as possible. 

Department – Use Case


  • Locate all sheet metal parts in a product and export DWG-files for a subcontractor
  • Compile a BOM report an export all related drawings in PDF format
  • Convert objects in Windchill to available neutral file formats


  • Retrieve the latest released product data at all time
  • Review drawings directly on screen
  • Create  problem reports
  • Visually compare changes in-between two versions of a drawing

Achieved values according to our customers

  • Faster time to market with reduced lead times
  • Increased productivity and quality
  • Increased efficiency in consuming information
  • Decreased workload for design engineers
  • Faster and better decision making
  • Data that is up to date and accessible for all stakeholders

Report – Improve business intelligence

The growing need for reporting has made us develop a reporting framework for myPDS Search. Available in the standard product are reports for the Windchills change process but the product allows to easily add very customer specific reports based on the data in Windchill. Examples of custom reports created for customer are:

  • Spare part reports
  • Package lists
  • Aggregating weight in products
  • ISO Process description chart
  • and many others

The challenge

It can be a challenge extending PLM to the enterprise. Infrequent users might find it too complex and time-consuming to learn, which results in daily PLM users getting distracted and burdened by request for information from other roles. This is turn can lead to uncertainties about what data has been send to production and suppliers.

The solution

myPDS Search is a simplified user interface for Windchill that can be easily adapted for a specific site, department or role. The application use Windchill’s authentication and access rights ensuring users only see what they are entitled to while smart actions makes it easy to search, compile and export information.

Business value

  • Enhance productivity by offering all roles a simple way to gain access and interact with Windchill.
  • Improve quality by always retrieving the latest accurate data
  • Save time by automating repetitive tasks.

Talk to us

Digital transformation is everything. Get it right! Talk to us. Our team is on hand to answer your questions.

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