

Framework for rapid IoT implementations

Rapid approach to IoT projects

Have you ever experienced any of the following?  

  • High costs associated with sending technical support staff to remote locations for troubleshooting and repairs.
  • Urgent and unexpected maintenance requests with long lead times on rare or low-demand parts.
  • Losing spare parts and consumables sales to competitors/alternatives.
  • Crisis mode – Reactive to customer calls and no insight into root causes.
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myPDS IoT RAMP is a complete framework that allows you to quickly connect your equipment and start exploring how your organization and customers can benefit from data driven insight


Utilizes Thingworx Digital Twin data model and powerful connectivity along with implementation best practices to facilitate:

  • Quick connection of assets to the cloud
  • Easy to use tools for data exploration and analysis
  • Standard configuration of event based notifications

Combined with ýapp quick start implementation approach this application allows you to quickly start analyzing machine data remotely and provide visibility of equipment health and operating conditions.

The challenge

The Internet of Things (IoT) presents tremendous opportunities when it comes to making your products smarter and connected.

Many IoT initiatives get stuck in technical evaluation processes and have difficulties getting past the proof of concept stages to focus on the actual business value of the IoT applications.

The solution

We want to get the technology discussions sorted out as quickly as possible. We achieve this by using a standards-based framework for connectivity and data visualization along with an agile project methodology with a clear focus to get to a minimum viable product early on.

Business value

  • Short time to initial exploration – “turn on the lights” approach
  • Early validation of IoT business case.
  • Quick establishment of a technical foundation to start and continue on the IoT journey.
  • Configurable application that allows for quick adoption of new equipment models and use cases.

Talk to us

Digital transformation is everything. Get it right! Talk to us. Our team is on hand to answer your questions.

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