
myPDS Easy

Thingworx based, digital engineering and manufacturing, apps

Improve user adoption and productivity

A set of ready-to-go and easy-to-use digital engineering and manufacturing apps.

myPDS Easy – Our Apps

  • xBom Compare
  • Product Change Monitor
  • Product Change Trend Analysis
  • Search & Download Specifications
  • Product Feedback
  • Part / Component Specifications
  • Actionable Task Dashboard
  • Intuitive Search
  • Collaboration Package
  • ALM Traceability Report
  • Data Collaboration Across Enterprise
  • Monitor Changing Parts
  • Navigate Structure & View Specifications
  • Advance Technical Package
  • Assets Management

xBom Compare

Improve product quality by finding BOM discrepancies across systems pre- and post- change releases.

  • BOM (Bill of Materials) is a comprehensive list of parts. There are different BOM types for a given product like design BOM, manufacturing BOM, plant BOM, service BOM, distribution BOM, configuration BOM, etc.
  • For many companies, all these BOM types are not managed within one application/ system. If so, then the users can use the BOM Compare app to compare two different BOM types. For e.g., the design BOM managed in Windchill against the manufacturing/ plant BOM residing in a different system or in an external CSV file.

Product Change Monitor

Gain operational efficiency by actionizing and monitoring all changes to the open tasks and assigned individuals.

  • Change management is one of the core and most critical capabilities of the product development process. All aspects, configurations and specifications of the product data are change controlled.
  • With the PLM change monitor app, the product managers, product engineers, change administrators and other PLM users can view the progress of all change and approval processes and can drill down to the open tasks and assigned individuals.

Product Change Trend Analysis

Measure and monitor change metrics to optimize the change processes.

  • Product development and sustainability are iterative process. Product undergoes many changes from ideation to design to manufacturing to service.
  • With Product Change Trend Analysis app, executives, product managers and other users can check the trend and the performance of the change processes like average approval time, rework time, rework rates, etc over a specified period (number of months). This will help to perform the root cause analysis and take appropriate actions to improve the change metrics and expedite the change processes.

Search & Download Specifications

Intuitive and quick search, retrieval and download of product specifications.

  • PLM is the single source of truth for all product specifications like design specifications, material, and color specifications, chemical formulations, geometric specifications captured in °®¶¹´«Ã½app, etc.
  • With the Document Search & Download app, users can quickly search for documents using on wild card on document number and can download primary and secondary contents. User can also view and navigate through the document structure if it is a composite document like quality manuals, operating manuals, etc.

Product Feedback

An intuitive product feedback submission form to support continuous improvement process.

  • Closed loop product feedbacks are very important for the continuous improvement of the product.
  • With the product feedback app, all stakeholders involved at various stages of the product development process can log a feedback or an issue or a problem report and can upload attachments for details. All form submission leads to a problem report creation in Windchill in a pre-defined library and goes through the analysis process for the right disposition. The app provides a simple intuitive way to take a picture and upload the feedback.

Part / Component Specifications

Improve product data transparency without any security compromise to extend the product value throughout the product lifecycle.

  • With increasing complexities and technology convergence, each part / component in the product has multiple specifications for e.g. °®¶¹´«Ã½app to define the geometric aspect, 2D °®¶¹´«Ã½app for manufacturing, and many other specifications to capture the material, color, finish, compliance, quality, SOP, tests, etc.
  • With the part/ component specifications app, users can search for a part and can download the associated specifications which includes the documents and neutral file formats for the associated °®¶¹´«Ã½app.

Actionable Task Dashboard

Spot important tasks and make quick decisions with smarter inbox.

  • Product development and sustainability processes are multi-disciplinary and connects people of various functional groups across the product lifecycle and the industry value chain. These processes generate tasks for the stakeholders involved and the timely completion of the tasks helps to accelerate the process velocity and reduces the overall product cycle time.
  • With actionable task dashboard, users can view their task items and easily segregate the tasks based on pre-defined metrics and priority.

Intuitive Search

Easily find real time product information to make the best product decisions.

  • Unlike early years 2000, PLM is no more restricted to R&D and engineering domain. PLM is multi-disciplinary with vast amount of heterogenous data. Users from various disciplines are involved in authoring and contributing towards product value creation across the product lifecycle. Hence, it is vital to have intuitive search to ensure that the users are spending time on their value-adding tasks rather than searching for the data required for their tasks.
  • With intuitive search app, users can perform search of core business/ product data like documents, °®¶¹´«Ã½app and parts and can download the primary and secondary content for documents and can navigate to the PLM application for details.

Collaboration Package

Enhance agility and flexibility in the internal and external design and manufacturing collaboration.

  • Apart from the internal users from the different disciplines and functions, external suppliers, vendors and manufacturers are involved across the product value chain. A collaborative PLM platform is critical to support various business models like Contract Manufacturing, Distributed Product Development, Joint Venture Collaboration, Consortium Partner, Merger and Acquisitions, Design Anywhere & Build Anywhere, etc.
  • With collaboration package app, users can search for either a part or an end item and can download the entire BOM (bill of material) and associated specifications for each child components recursively. This is inclusive of the specifications and neutral format of the °®¶¹´«Ã½app associated at all levels. These collaboration package can be used for external as well as internal collaboration.

ALM Traceability Report

Get complete context of business goals, priorities, and business/ user requirements to drive delivery of quality products.

  • With industry 4.0 and the technology convergence, ALM (requirements, software development and test management) is very important in all industry verticals and especially in the regulated industry. Efficient management of requirements and test cases and ensuring end to end traceability is key for safe and quality products.
  • With ALM traceability reporting app, users can search for a requirement and can view the complete traceability for e.g from defined user needs (DUN) to design inputs (DI), design specifications (DS) and their traces (linkages) till the test results and can download the traceability report.

Data Collaboration Across Enterprise

Improve productivity through effective utilization and reuse of design data across PLM instances.

  • With ongoing globalization and fragmented value chain, a collaborative platform is important for design reuse across enterprise’s eco-system. Companies should be able to share either the complete or specific parts of the product structure with their partners / suppliers/ contract manufacturers/ etc.
  • With data collaboration app, users can search for parts and documents in one PLM instance and can push the details along with the contents to another PLM instance.

Monitor Changing Parts

Reduce rework and improve productivity through effective and efficient change assessment and impact analysis.

  • Change objects are vehicles to mature parts, documents, and °®¶¹´«Ã½app data through a systematic review and approval process. There are two ways to monitor the change – Top-down (change object) and Bottom-up (data undergoing the change). Many a times, the data owners would like to monitor and view from the data perspective.
  • With monitor changing parts app, users can generate the list of all parts undergoing a change and view the associated change notice, change requests and the progress status for each of the process steps.

Navigate Structure & View Specifications

Improve productivity through lesser hops and intuitive user interface.

  • Product structure and the configuration management are the backbone of the engineering and manufacturing processes. All the design and manufacturing specifications including E°®¶¹´«Ã½app and M°®¶¹´«Ã½app are associated to the parts hierarchically linked to the product structure.
  • With navigate structure & view specifications app, users can search for a part, navigate its structure, and can select a child part and view and download the associated specifications.

Advance Technical Package

Enable concurrent and collaborative product development and reduce product cycle time.

  • Product design, development, manufacturing, and service is a collaborative effort. It is very common for engineers to share As-Planned, As-Designed, As-Manufactured, As-Service, etc configurations with the external suppliers and partners for prototyping, design, manufacturing, and service collaboration.
  • With advance technical package, users can search for a part, use BOM configuration and type filtering to scan and download the entire BOM and associated specifications and °®¶¹´«Ã½app neutral files for each child components recursively.

Assets Management

Improve performance and reduce business risks and assets downtime by effectively managing and monitoring assets.

  • Assets management and monitoring (like buildings, plants, machineries, capital intensive equipment, tools, etc) is critical to business performance and return on investments.
  • With assets management app, companies can keep track of their assets across the globe. Users can navigate to the plant or the office or the facility over a globe map, and then can view all the assets and drill down to the asset details and performance.

The challenge

Find correct information and data for the specific task, when you need it can be a hassle even if you have access to the enterprise PLM data. One common user interface do not fit all the different stakeholders, which may result in decreased productivity, increase risk for product reliability and increased costs.

The solution

myPDS Easy is a suite of apps built on ThingWorx Navigate. The apps gives non-experts quick and easy access to PLM data such as drawings, documents, process plans, and change requests and notices. People in manufacturing, procurement, service, sales and marketing, and engineering can view real-time, accurate PLM content on a simple, job-specific interface.

Business value

myPDS Easy improves user adoption and productivity. Different use cases can help organizations increase collaboration, solve operational challenges, and reach goals for product reliability, safety, on-time delivery, and innovation.

  • Decisions will be more informed and made more quickly.
  • Productivity will increase as data is more easily found and communicated.
  • Customer satisfaction will improve because product information will be more accurate.

Talk to us

Digital transformation is everything. Get it right! Talk to us. Our team is on hand to answer your questions.

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