
Reduce CO2 emissions/environmental footprint with Augmented Reality/Vuforia

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Michael Bird

Reducing our environmental footprint with Augmented Reality and Vuforia

A hot topic for many businesses are how to reduce CO2 emissions and in this blog post I will discuss how augmented reality with Vuforia can reduce the environmental footprint.

I am sure we are all pleased to see that there is a lot of focus around global warming and with the up-and-coming COP26 UN Climate Change Conference we are all hoping that there is some real positive action going to be taken by our world leaders.

The effect businesses have on CO2 emissions/environmental footprint

Businesses obviously have a part to play in lowering CO2 emissions, and for the most part, the UK has shown some great initiatives.
In 2019, domestic transport was responsible for emitting 122 MtCO2e (million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent). This means that transport is the largest emitting sector of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, producing 27% of the UK’s total emission! This is supplemented by the fact that UK Companies spend approximately £39 billion a year on travel. This trend has led to businesses adopting new and innovative ways to reduce their CO2 emissions. One of these innovative ways is through the use of augmented reality (AR). By using innovations such as AR, businesses are currently making a positive impact on the environment.

How is Augmented Reality lowering CO2 emissions?

Common ways in which augmented reality lowers CO2 emissions is by creating a paperless environment and allowing for remote support and training.
Using an extremely easy to use and cost-effective approach the Vuforia Expert Capture product allows users to capture the skills and best practices from experts, allowing them to transfer them to either increase the knowledge of existing members of staff or be a key aid in increasing the speed and consistency of onboarding new staff members. With this product, users can also keep a live record of what training has been completed and by whom.

Another innovative means of using augmented reality is through the use of Vuforia Chalk – a problem-solving guidance tool. Vuforia Chalk allows frontline workers to instantly tap into subject matter experts, allowing these experts to interact with the actual environment in front of the individual. They can draw instructions directly onto the piece of equipment they are unsure about. These instructions are locked to the piece of equipment that they are relevant to. This means that, as users move around the environment and come back to a previous location the correct drawn instructions are still displayed. This level of remote support helps businesses by increasing efficiency across operations and allowing experts to simultaneously support multiple projects.

How is Vuforia helping businesses to lower their CO2 emissions?

Using tools such as Vuforia Chalk and Vuforia Expert Capture specialists can advise on complex tasks without needing to travel to the site, or individuals can be trained without sitting in a classroom. In fact, employees can be encouraged to work from home, thus reducing the total office space required, which in turn reduces the companies’ environmental footprint.

Vuforia’s augmented reality technology allows users to get the right skills to the right place at the right time without the need to physically get in a vehicle and attend to the site. This efficiency allows users to complete projects faster at a lower cost as well as allows users to get closer to the goal of net carbon neutrality.

This is without mentioning the obvious benefit to the end-user or customer by completing your tasks more quickly.

Get in touch

If you’d like to reduce your business’s carbon footprint by adopting revolutionary AR technology then be sure to get in contact with one of our AR experts.


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