
Mathcad Prime 9

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Johan Wikblad

Solve your most complex problems with the new and improved Mathcad Prime 9

Mathcad Prime 9 has finally landed and brings some new features and further refinements to the well-known Mathcad Prime platform. Mathcad Prime 9 will improve and speed up your workflow and helps you leverage your calculation even further.

PTC Mathcad Prime is the industry standard for engineering mathematics software, enabling you to solve your most complex problems and share your engineering calculations.

New features and refinements in Mathcad Prime 9

Here are some examples of new features and refinements in Mathcad Prime 9 that will make you even more productive:

  • Text Styles allow you to organize your worksheet better without manually formatting headings and subheadings.
  • Internal links and Go-to Page make navigating lengthy documents easy.
  • All color selection menus are enhanced to include a custom color picker allowing you to highlight sections of your document or make certain equations or plots stand out in the colors you want.
  • You can now press the spacebar when typing a new region to convert it from the default math region to a textbox.

Latest improvements and additional capabilities:

Mathcad Prime 9 continues to improve on its symbolic engine and add additional capabilities to the numeric engine.

  • Added ability to use the Gradient Operator, which returns the gradient of a scalar function concerning defined variables both numerically and symbolically.
  • The numeric engine has been enhanced with the addition of the PDESolve Function in the Solve Block
  • You can now use enabled symbolic solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE). You can solve first-order ODEs and higher-order ODEs that can be reduced to first-order systems.
  • Added ability to symbolically solve a system of equations inside a Solve Block using the Find Function
  • New Logarithmic Integral Functions and Elliptic Integral Functions have been added.
  • Calculus Operators such as derivatives, limits, integrals, and summations used symbolically have been improved and cover expanded use cases

If you want to learn more about the latest improvements and if you want to join one of our regularly held webinars covering various topics of Mathcad Prime, please visit here.

Read more about PTC Mathcad.

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