
6 ways myPDS Search can help your R&D

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Nils Persson

6 ways myPDS Search can help your R&D

I understand the frustration of R&D- and construction managers, when they drown in serving the rest of the enterprise with data from Windchill: drawings, documents, and instructions. With our Windchill application, myPDS Search, infrequent users can catch the information by themselves in seconds. This way, R&D can focus on constructing instead of administering documents.

I have seen it so many times; the R&D department turns into a service unit, providing other parts of the enterprise with documents from the PLM system. Why does this happen? Windchill is an extensive and capable system, gathering all product data. The infrequent user may consider it complex and difficult to navigate–it is easier to ask the experts at R&D to bring forth the needed documents.

But it should be someone other than the R&D staff to serve others with documents. On the other hand, it is not fair that purchasers, operators, or project managers must spend hours grappling with a highly potent system they are unfamiliar with.


Here are 6 reasons myPDS Search can help your R&D focus on constructing instead of administrating!

1. Quick and easy access to Windchill

We have developed an application that addresses this common situation: myPDS Search. It makes it quick and easy for anyone in the enterprise to bring out documents, requiring no experience or knowledge of Windchill. What may take hours for infrequent users of Windchill is handled in seconds with myPDS Search.

2. Always getting the latest accurate data

Except for the increased productivity, because of the time being saved, there is also a quality aspect to consider. Every time you export and provide data, there is a risk it will circulate, reaching other parts of the enterprise than you intended. This will raise uncertainties about whether it is the latest version of the document. If procurement orders on outdated drawings, it will generate scrap. And scrap means losses. With myPDS Search, you will improve quality by always retrieving the latest accurate data from Windchill.

3. A minimalistic and simplifying approach

The interface of our application is minimalistic. Based on your role, you only see what is relevant to your needs. The interface may be as simple as a single search bar. Still, it provides all the information you need in your specific role.

A most timesaving feature is that the application automatically renames each file the way you define it. Another is that you can specify the format of the files. You might want the ýapp-files as STEP, DWG, or PDF-files. Easy–it is only a click or two away and delivered in a zip package.

4. Connects with the change management process

Moreover, you can use myPDS Search to include- these departments in the change management process. Operators or sellers can use the application to report issues straight into Windchill. This will generate a logged and traceable case for the R&D department, starting an improvement process.

5. Get your package in a minute

To compile hundreds of drawings from a PLM system is a cumbersome task. It can easily occupy a non-experienced user for hours. With myPDS Search, the user handles it within a minute, with no risk of getting files in circulation out of control. You get a report with links to the data you will export.

6. Freeing time for creating value

So, if you are at R&D and recognize the common situation of being “reduced” to a service administrator instead of the highly qualified engineer you are–don’t worry. There is a solution releasing the full power of Windchill, even for the unexperienced who just need accurate data, quick and easy. Most important, myPDS Search will free time for you to focus on your skills, creating value for the enterprise.


In summary myPDS Search is a simplified UI acting on top of Windchill. The interface, search logic, and data that is presented is highly customizable. The product is quickly deployed and requires no additional training for its users.

If you are more curious about myPDS Search and would like to get a free trial get in touch with us – HERE!

Discover myPDS Search

Nils Persson, Product Manager at ýapp



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